9 Things To Prepare for a Residential HVAC Inspection

Maintaining your home’s HVAC system is a necessary part of home ownership. After all, keeping your system in perfect condition is one of the best things you can do to keep your home as energy efficient as possible. While it’s always best to leave it to a professional to inspect your HVAC system, as the homeowner there are still some things that you should do to prepare for their arrival.

In this post, Dittmer Air and Heat, a leading HVAC company that conducts indoor air quality testing, discusses the nine things every homeowner needs to do to prepare for a residential HVAC inspection.

HVAC Location – As much as possible, know where your home’s heating and cooling units are located beforehand. That way, you and your HVAC professional don’t have to waste time locating them.

Check the Air Filter – Inspecting your HVAC system is a laborious task for the technician. You can help make their job easier by checking the air filter and cleaning it if needed to narrow down the possible causes of your HVAC issues.

Model Information- Depending on the model of your HVAC system, it may require a different set of maintenance routines compared to other HVAC models. With that in mind, be sure to locate your system’s model number to give to your HVAC contractor.

Know Your Problems and When They Started – Another way you can make the job easier for your HVAC air conditioner repair pro is by knowing the exact extent of your problems and when they started. That way, they can more easily determine the best course of action to take.

Accessibility – The accessibility of your HVAC system is a factor in how much the repairs will cost. With that in mind, make sure the system is accessible to the technician, especially units in crawl spaces and attics.

Home Personnel – As much as possible, either stay at home or leave an adult at home on the day the professional is supposed to come. Some technicians will call your home to let you know they’re on their way, and they’ll need someone to let them in the house and take them to the HVAC unit. Put your pets in a separate room as well to avoid any disruption to the inspection.

Maintenance Information – Information about prior maintenance services performed on your system can be a great help to your HVAC contractor, so be sure to have it at the ready in case they need it.

Shut Off the Heat Pump – This is only applicable if your heat pump is frozen. In the event that this happens, shut off your heat pump before the technician arrives so it’s thawed and ready for inspections and repairs.

Payment – Finally, be prepared to make a payment to your professional for their services, especially if they had to repair something on the HVAC unit. Be sure to give them a good tip as well to show your gratitude.

Turn to Dittmer Air and Heat for your HVAC maintenance needs. We’re your number one provider of HVAC installation and restaurant refrigeration services. Give us a call at (321) 408-5090 or (407) 233-0730. You can also fill out our contact form to request a consultation.