Building Envelope With Efficient HVAC Integration

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are used to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature for both commercial and residential establishments. An integrated and efficient building envelope made with the right materials can help reduce your energy costs.

In this post, your local experts in HVAC air conditioner repair from Dittmer Air and Heat discuss some things you should consider when designing a building envelope with efficient HVAC integration.

An Integrated, Whole Building Design Approach

This approach consists of the following parameters to ensure the efficiency of an HVAC system:

Use the Right Materials

Envelope components like the orientation, amount and performance of vertical and horizontal glazing should be appropriate for the climate of the building. This will help optimize the insulation performance of the envelope for a more efficient HVAC system.

Make sure that your envelope and HVAC system complement each other for effective moisture control.  Poor indoor air quality is an indication of improper air ventilation, distribution and dehumidification. This can lead to headaches, fatigue and respiratory problems. Indoor air quality testing and HVAC maintenance are essential for protecting you and your space from contaminants.

While an airtight energy envelope will help you save on energy costs, it also increases indoor humidity levels, especially in colder climates. Proper air ventilation and distribution are critical in preventing water damage and improving indoor air quality.

At Dittmer Air and Heat, we’re your leading provider of HVAC services. We also offer maintenance plans, chillers and restaurant refrigeration. Call us at (321) 408-5090 or (407) 233-0730. You can also complete our online form to learn more about our services.