How an HVAC System Can Cause Indoor Air Woes

The HVAC system is one of the most important components of any building, but it can cause problems if it isn’t the right design or doesn’t receive proper maintenance according to schedule. A proper HVAC system is supposed to make the building more comfortable and raise the quality of the indoor air; a poorly-designed or improperly-maintained system, on the other hand, can do the opposite.

Professional indoor air quality testing can determine whether your HVAC system is improving your indoor air or making it worse. There are several ways an HVAC system can be bad for the occupants of a building:

Spreading Disease

The HVAC system reaches just about every corner of a building. If it doesn’t receive regular maintenance and cleaning, particularly if it’s an older unit, it can harbor all sorts of disease-causing bacteria and allergens. Even the simple buildup of dust can trigger allergies among building occupants. For example, viruses such as the common cold can spread rapidly courtesy of an improperly-maintained HVAC system.

Excessive Heating or Cooling

You want your indoors to be warm during the winter and cool in the summer, but a malfunction or poor design can cause your equipment to blow air that’s too hot or too cold, causing discomfort among occupants. This can lower productivity as well as cause sickness. If you think your unit is malfunctioning, call a professional immediately for HVAC air conditioner repair.

Poor Humidity Control

The air that’s coming from your HVAC system should bring about the right level of humidity for optimum comfort and wellness. If it’s too dry or too moist, you can expect health problems, discomfort and even mold growth. Too much indoor humidity is often caused by an HVAC unit that’s too large and powerful for the space it’s cooling; the quick cooling doesn’t provide enough time for the HVAC system to remove excess moisture in the air. Oversized units also tend to cause drastic changes in temperature.

Dittmer Air and Heat can help you choose the right unit for your building. We provide services to keep your HVAC system functioning at optimum levels year in and year out. We also offer restaurant refrigeration services. Call us today at (321) 637-0170 or fill out our contact form for a consultation.