How Summer Humidity Affects Your HVAC System

Summer humidity can harm HVAC systems and impact your indoor air quality. In this post, we discuss ways to protect your home and business from humidity challenges in the summer, as well as maintain your HVAC system.

Increased Strain on Air Conditioners

Cooling demands naturally go up during the hot summer months, increasing the strain on air conditioning systems. Routine HVAC air conditioner repairs and maintenance are essential to ensure your AC runs efficiently and effectively to avoid system breakdowns. These can also help reduce energy consumption and utility bills.

Effects on Restaurant Refrigeration

Summer humidity can cause condensation and moisture buildup, leading to mold and mildew growth even in restaurant refrigeration. That’s why regular cleaning and maintenance of restaurant refrigeration systems is essential to keep them in good working condition and prevent costly damage. 

Impact on Indoor Air Quality

Humidity can also affect indoor air quality, leading to the presence of mold, mildew, and dust mites, which can cause health issues such as allergies and respiratory problems. To ensure a healthy living environment, consider having indoor air quality testing done to identify potential issues and take appropriate steps to improve your indoor air quality.

Importance of Dehumidifiers and Proper Ventilation

Investing in a dehumidifier can help reduce the strain on your air conditioner and reduce energy consumption by maintaining a comfortable indoor environment during humid weather. Furthermore, proper ventilation is essential for improving indoor air quality, reducing the risk of mold and mildew growth, and improving comfort and HVAC system performance.

Regular maintenance and indoor air quality testing can mitigate the effects of summer humidity and keep HVAC systems running smoothly. Dittmer Air and Heat in Cocoa, FL, offers expert HVAC services that can help you manage the effects of summer humidity on your cooling system. Call us at (321) 637-0170 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.