Have you ever felt unwell or experienced discomfort while inside a building, only to feel better once you stepped outside? You might have encountered sick building syndrome (SBS). It is a term used to describe a situation where occupants of a building experience health issues or discomfort linked to the time spent indoors.
Our indoor air quality testing technicians discuss the causes, symptoms and preventive measures for SBS in this blog.
Causes of Sick Building Syndrome
SBS can be triggered by a combination of factors. This includes inadequate ventilation, chemical contaminants and biological contaminants. Inadequate ventilation can occur when HVAC systems do not effectively distribute fresh air throughout the building. Chemical contaminants can originate from indoor sources, such as cleaning products, adhesives, and off-gassing from building materials, or outdoor sources, like pollutants from vehicle exhaust and industrial activities. Lastly, biological contaminants include mold, bacteria and viruses that can thrive in damp or poorly maintained environments.
Signs and Symptoms of Sick Building Syndrome
The symptoms of SBS can be physical, mental or environmental. Physical symptoms include headaches, fatigue and respiratory issues such as coughing or wheezing. Mental symptoms, on the other hand, comprise difficulty concentrating and irritability. Environmental symptoms can manifest as unpleasant odors, visible mold or water damage within the building.
The Importance of HVAC Maintenance in Preventing Sick Building Syndrome
Proper HVAC maintenance is crucial to prevent SBS. Ensuring adequate ventilation and regularly cleaning your HVAC system can help minimize the spread of contaminants and maintain a healthy indoor environment. In addition, prompt HVAC air conditioner repair is essential to keeping the system running efficiently and effectively.
Consult a Professional HVAC Expert
If you’re located in or around Cocoa, FL, and need professional assistance with maintaining your heating, air conditioning, and restaurant refrigeration units, you can rely on Dittmer Air and Heat. Send us a message or call (321) 637-0170 to schedule an appointment.