Where Should the Thermostat Be Installed?

Understanding the optimal placement of a thermostat is crucial for ensuring comfort, efficiency and energy savings. In this post, we share the best locations to install your thermostat to avoid inaccuracies in temperature readings and unnecessary strain on your HVAC system.

Optimal Thermostat Placement

To achieve an efficiently heated or cooled home, place your thermostat in an area where the average indoor temperature is reflected accurately. Incorrect placements lead to erroneous temperature readings, prompting the HVAC to overwork — a shortcut to hiked energy bills and reduced system lifespan. Ideal thermostat locations are typically on interior walls within central living spaces. This ensures the device is neither influenced by external temperature fluctuations nor obstacles like furniture that block air circulation.

Areas to Avoid for Thermostat Installation

Precise thermostat readings are pivotal for comfort and efficiency. Several common mistakes include placing thermostats near windows, doors or on exterior walls. These areas are prone to drafts or direct sunlight, misleading the thermostat about the actual indoor temperature. Moreover, proximity to heat-producing appliances like lamps, televisions or kitchen stoves can lead to falsely high temperature readings. Ensuring your thermostat is not directly above or below supply vents is equally important as this can trigger frequent on-off cycles, which decrease efficiency and comfort.

Importance of Thermostat Height and Central Placement

To further enhance its accuracy and efficiency, position your thermostat at 52-60 inches from the floor. This prevents warm air, which rises, from skewing the temperature readings. Central placement in frequently used rooms, as opposed to isolated hallways or less utilized areas, ensures that the thermostat measures the temperatures in spaces where you spend most of your time.

Leveraging Technology for Zoned Comfort

For households with varying temperature needs across different rooms or levels, a zoned HVAC system or smart thermostats equipped with room sensors would be beneficial. These systems allow for more precise control over the heating and cooling of distinct areas, circumventing the limitations of having a single thermostat. However, even with advanced systems, mindful placement away from direct heat sources, sunlight and drafts remains crucial for optimal function and energy efficiency.

Dittmer Air and Heat is committed to providing custom HVAC solutions, optimizing your system for unparalleled comfort and efficiency. Call us at (321) 637-0170 or complete our online form to schedule a service appointment.